Tag Archives: Superheros

Top Five Worst Character Names in The Comic Medium.

I was bored recently and looked through my collection of comics and stumbled upon a plethora of craptastic characters. Some have just been the product of trends while others have been around for decades. so allow me the pleasure of sharing my picks for worst names (and in some cases also worst character idea) in the comic medium.

5. Mister Terrific (1&2)

Mr. Terrific 1 & 2 with famed "T-balls"

Mr. Terrific 1 & 2 with famed

Ok Mister Terrific makes it on this list mostly on his name alone, But if that were the case that would mean I’d have to throw Reed Richards on here as well. Mr. Terrific is a DC Hero who got his start as a self-made genius/millionaire who gets bored of the mundane life of being able to buy and do anything he wants and turns to fighting crime and helping inner-city youth with the “Fair Play” club. The second incarnation of the hero has pretty much the same origin as the first except he’s…*gasp!* black. The current Mr. Terrific is noted for creating the “T-Balls” which is his equivalent to a floating utility belt.

4. MVP

Most valuable Playa

MVP: Most valuable Playa

A Young hero in the Avengers Initiative who can be compared to this era’s attempt at a Captain America, He dies trying to save a girl he has feelings for and is there after cloned several times. Try to envision Captain America as a bro, and you have MVP.

3. Strong Guy

Quite possibly the ugliest character created

Quite possibly the ugliest character created

I’ll give you three guesses to try and discovers what this character’s powers are. Can’t figure it out? He’s strong, and not just any kind of strong. He’s REALLY REALLY strong. An old member of X-factor and former roadie and bouncer. Strong Guy makes it on the list also because he has annoyed me since childhood.

2. Puck

Puck with the power to never be found physically attractive.

Puck with the power to never be found physically attractive.

A member of Canadian super team Alpha Flight Puck is so named because Canadians love hockey… a lot. He is boarder line midget even shorter then his former team mate and fellow chanuck Wolverine. Puck is an accomplished Soldier of Fortune and gymnast. His trademark move is a series of high speed cartwheels.

1. Superpro

super pro dunking on fools.

super pro dunking on fools.

The Product a short-lived collaboration between the NFL and Marvel Comics in which a former pro football player went from sacking quarterbacks on the field to tackling crime on the streets.(lulz) He wears an indestructible football uniform.

So there you have it my picks for worst characters and names in comics. Feel free to submit your picks in the comment section! EXCELSIOR!!!!